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#Simple calculator for converting hourly pay to an annual salary. I haven't been able to find an online calculator that does all this.
import tkinter as tk
from math import *
def budget(Monthlypay):
tk.Label(text='Monthly Take Home Pay ' + str(Monthlypay)).pack()
tk.Label(text='Hourly Pay ' + str(round(Monthlypay/160,2))).pack()
tk.Label(font=16, text='Budget ').pack()
tk.Label( text='Monthly Pay: ' + str(Monthlypay)).pack()
tk.Label( text='Maximum Rent: ' + str(round(Monthlypay*.3,2))).pack()
tk.Label( text='Monthly Utilities: ' + str(round(Monthlypay*.1,2))).pack()
tk.Label(text='Monthly Transportation Cost : ' + str(round(Monthlypay * .2, 2))).pack()
tk.Label(text='Monthly Spending Money: ' + str(round(Monthlypay * .1, 2))).pack()
tk.Label(text='Monthly Student Loans: ' + str(round(Monthlypay * .15, 2))).pack()
tk.Label(text='Monthly Groceries: ' + str(round(Monthlypay * .05, 2))).pack()
def calculate(event):
Salary = int((entry.get()))
Monthlypay = Salary*.85*.083 # Estimated taxes
res.configure( text="Maximum House Mortgage: " + str(4*Salary))
w = tk.Tk()
w.title("Mindy's Budget Calculator")
tk.Label(w, text="Enter Annual Salary:", font=16).pack()
#tk.Label(w, text=" ", font=16).pack()
entry = tk.Entry(w)
entry.bind("<Return>", calculate)
res = tk.Label(w)
#Simple calculator for converting hourly pay to an annual salary. I haven't been able to find an online calculator that does all this.
def Gen_budget(budget):
print ("************************************************ ")
print ("General budget ")
print ("************************************************ ")
monthly_pay = budget/12
print ("Monlthy Pay: " + str(round(monthly_pay,2)) )
print ("Maximum Rent: " + str(round(monthly_pay*.30,2)) )
print ("Maximum Utilities: " + str(round(monthly_pay*.10,2)) )
print ("Maximum Transportion Cost: " + str(round(monthly_pay*.20,2)) )
print ("Maximum Spending Money: " + str(round(monthly_pay*.10,2)) )
print ("General Savings: " + str(round(monthly_pay*.15,2)) )
print ("Student Loans: " + str(round(monthly_pay*.05,2)) )
print ("Groceries: " + str(round(monthly_pay*.10,2)) )
def Gen_mortage(pay):
print ("************************************************ ")
print ("General Mortage Calculator ")
print ("************************************************ ")
Home_Cost = pay * 4
print ("House Price Estimate " + str(round(Home_Cost,2)) )
print ("Note: For a 30 year mortage, house payment is less than rent")
def Gen_pay(rate):
annual_hours = 2080.00
annual_rate = rate*annual_hours
print ("************************************************ ")
print ("Annual Salary")
print ("************************************************ ")
print ("Annual pre-tax pay : " + str(annual_rate) )
average_take_home_pay = .85
after_taxes = float(annual_rate* average_take_home_pay)
print ("Annual post-tax pay : " + str(after_taxes))
print('What is the hourly rate?')
hourly_rate = int(input())
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